download torrent file away from pc

Download Torrent when You are Away from Your PC !


This small Tweak will helps you to remotely feed your home PC-utorrent app with any torrent file. You may use this trick while you are sitting in Office and finds an interesting File in torrent sites. I personally found this very useful as the download speed is very low at evening and i can utilize the peek speed during daytime. So lets dive into the trick.

What you need ?

 1. utorrent [get it here].
 2. Google drive desktop app [get it here].
The interesting fact is that your home PC don't need to be ON while adding the torrent. utorrent automatically adds and starts the download when it get connected to your home internet connection.

Caution : Downloading Copyrighted software or movies is this post's out of scope and I am not responsible for any after effects of such activities. Intended for education and legal purpose only.

Step 1 : Make a Torrent dump folder [ home - set one time only ]

  • Open the Google drive desktop application and sign in with your Google account.
  • Make a custom folder inside the Google drive.

Step 2 : Customize the utorrent application [ home - set one time only]

  • Select Directories in the utorrent preferences and select the folder created in G-drive as shown in the figure below. (I have created and used the folder named "tz" in this example.)

Customize the utorrent application

Step 3 : Adding/loading the torrent file remotely [office].

  • First download the small sized torrent file [eg : ubuntu 13.04.torrent].
  • Sign in to your Google drive account in your Web browser
  • upload the torrent file into the dump folder that we created in Step 1.

loading the torrent file remotely

Google drive synchronizes files in all devices and thus we are actually putting the torrent file directly to the utorrent application remotely. As soon as utorrent finds any torrent file in the pre-defined folder, it starts downloading the content. Even though The Remote login feature of utorrent can be used instead of this, I find this trick more helpful because we don't have to care whether the home PC is turned ON or not while asking it to download.

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